Sunday, July 12, 2020

200712 Sermon on 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 (Trinity 5) July 12, 2020

200712 Sermon on 1 Corinthians 1:18-25

Sermon manuscript:

In our epistle reading Paul says, “we preach Christ crucified.” Just a little later in the epistle he says this again. He says that when he came to the Corinthians he didn’t put on a big show. He didn’t speak super eloquently. He was determined to know nothing among them except Jesus Christ and him crucified. According to Paul’s own words, therefore, talking about Christ being crucified is important. In fact, he says that it is everything. He didn’t want to know anything among the Corinthians except Jesus Christ and him crucified.

So what does this mean? This is what I’d like to try to get at today. What is Paul talking about with the message of the cross or the preaching of Christ crucified?

Before we get into the particulars of the message itself, we should first note what Paul is pointing out about this message in our reading so that we are properly prepared. Paul says that no one likes this message. Jews don’t like it. Gentiles don’t like it. No one can like it by their own reason or strength. The only ones who like this message are those who have been called by the Holy Spirit. So you should not expect the preaching of Christ crucified to tickle the fancy of the crowd. Your flesh won’t like it either. How come?

Because here we are dealing with death. That’s what it means to preach Christ crucified. That is the preaching of a dead Jesus, a dead Christ, a dead King. That’s depressing enough on its own, but this was not just any death. He didn’t pass away with the help of morphine in a comfortable bed somewhere. Jesus was painfully executed after being convicted of a crime by the governing authorities. He was convicted for having said that he was God’s only begotten Son. He had said that he would destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days. The Jewish authorities said that this was blasphemy. He was given the death penalty as punishment. Jesus died shamefully as a criminal.

And this was not just a matter of appearances either, as we might suppose. To be sure, Pontius Pilate and the Jewish leaders were wrong with their charges of wrong-doing. However, Jesus truly dies with guilt and as a criminal. Paul says elsewhere, “He who knew no sin became sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God in him.” Jesus did not know sin, that is, he himself did not commit sin. But he became sin.

This is a shocking statement, but truthful and revealing at the same time. We are accustomed to talking about people in a more polite way than Paul does here. We carefully separate the person from the evil works that he or she might do. We say that the person himself is good. He just happened to get mixed up in some bad things now and then. We say this about ourselves too. When we think of ourselves we forget the bad things we have done. If we should happen to actually recall something then we brush it aside. That’s not the real me. The real me is good. From henceforth I will never ever do that bad thing again.

This is delusional. If that’s not you, then who is it? Why did you do it? If you really are good, then why don’t you act like it? You’re no different than the criminal who always says that he didn’t do it. And supposing, for the sake of argument, that he did do it, then he didn’t mean to do it. He’s really a good person. You can see right through his delusion. You should see through your own as well. You should see through your own because this is the truth. This is how it is. Everyone is judged rightly according to his or her works. The label gets affixed whether the person likes it or not according to the works. Thus Christ is not only known as a sinner, but according to Paul’s word he is “sin,” having taken upon himself our sin. The label sticks because it is true. Hence Jesus’s death is not a miscarriage of justice. He is sin. He is supposed to die.

Here we see another unpleasant truth about death that is carefully avoided by the funeral industry. Death is not benign. It is not beautiful. It is not natural. Death is God’s punishment for breaking his Law, that is, for sinning. Death has morality wrapped up in it. It is God’s death penalty. Whoever dies, dies as a criminal. If we weren’t criminals, then we wouldn’t die. God’s Law wouldn’t allow it. The Law would justify us and say that we can live because we deserve to live. But as it is, whenever you see somebody die—including even Jesus himself—you can know that here God’s justice is being carried out. Death is not a fuzzy rainbow, nor is it a crown of laurels. We weren’t created to die. We were created to live, to thrive, to multiply over the face of the earth. The reason why this doesn’t happen is because justice requires that we die.

With the preaching of Christ crucified this fundamental truth of God’s Law about sin and death is established as true and binding. This life is such that we are and will be judged by our Creator. Jesus says that he did not come to abolish the Law. Every jot and tittle, every last shred of God’s Law stands. He did not come to abolish the Law, Jesus says, but to fulfill it. This is indeed what he does too. There is no sin that is not punished in him. There is no sin that is not atoned for by his holy precious blood and his innocent suffering and death. On the cross he who knew no sin became sin for us so that we might become the righteousness of God in him. Jesus was punished for the sin of the world in our place.

This is a tremendous thought that we cannot even begin to wrap our minds around. Beyond the physical aspects of what Jesus suffered, there was tremendous spiritual anguish. What we can see is but the tip of the iceberg. His anguish is the anguish of the sinner before a righteous and almighty God. His anguish is the anguish of sinners on Judgment Day when they know that they’ve been caught. This, and much more, is what is involved in Christ being crucified.

We can see the depths of Jesus’s suffering even before they fully happened. On the night when Jesus was betrayed he knew what lay before him. At the Garden of Gethsemane he prayed to our Father in heaven that this cup should pass from him three times, but not his will, but God’s will be done. His sweat splashed on the ground like great drops of blood. He had to be ministered to by angels to give him a little strength to go on. It was not a little price that Jesus paid. It was the costliest sacrifice that ever can be made. It was the sacrifice of God himself, incarnate in the man Jesus.

So what did all this accomplish? It brought about the end of the Law’s claims against you for how you have lived. The Law says that you will be punished. The Law says that you will die. Jesus, God’s own Son, said, “punish me instead.” The Father loves his Son. The Father says several times in the Gospels, “This is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased.” The Son of God’s desire to save you from death and hell was pleasing also to the Father even though it broke God’s heart to carry out the awful sacrifice. Abraham’s hand was stayed when he was to execute his son Isaac. God did not allow this mercy for himself when it came time for Jesus to die. And why not? Because he was and is determined to reconcile you to himself and restore your true life of holiness and blessedness under him in his kingdom.

You, therefore, are not justified by the Law. You are justified by faith in Jesus. He is your justification. This is all the result of Jesus being crucified for you. This is all a result of God’s action for you. The apostle preaches Christ and him crucified so that you may know your God, believe in him, and through faith have a good conscience. According to what you have done and left undone you can never have a good conscience no matter how hard you try. By the gift God gives to you, you are loved by God and well pleasing to him. Jesus has made it so.

This is an astounding thing. God himself sacrifices everything for you. So why is this message of the cross distasteful to both Jews and Gentiles, which is to say to everyone? There are a lot of things we could talk about in this regard. First of all, people find the fundamental truth of God’s Law to be distasteful. People don’t want to believe that death is God’s punishment. They don’t want to believe that there is such a place as hell. They want to be able to continue to safely ignore God. They want the skeletons stuffed into the closet and moss to grow over the sins they’ve buried in the land of forgetfulness. They want to believe that we are all more or less good people. Sure, we slip up every now and then, but who’s counting?

This is the great pseudo-gospel that holds almost the whole world in its thrall. “Everything will be fine,” pretty much sums up its message. This is the lie that brought our human race into slavery to the devil in the first place. The serpent said to Eve, “Everything will be fine. You won’t sure die.” That devil is a liar and a murderer. Strangely enough, though, our flesh wants to be deceived. Probably because it enables us to continue to live in sin.

Another reason why the preaching of Christ and him crucified is distasteful to everyone is what Paul specifically addresses in our reading. The cross of Christ is offensive to Jews and foolish to Greeks. It is offensive to Jews because they were expecting an earthly Christ who would lead their nation into greatness. They were expecting a second King David. They thought that the Christ would solve all their earthly problems. The actual Christ who came didn’t meet these expectations. The Jews weren’t entirely wrong with their expectations of Christ being gracious and helpful, but they weren’t looking deeply enough.

Christ does not just bring about good government, good laws, fine arts, and so on. He addresses and fixes our most deeply seated problem—our slavery to the devil and to death. This is a tremendous blessing that we can’t begin to grasp, but it is also something that is not yet fully manifested. The Jews wanted something they could see. They were looking for signs. The fullness of God’s kingdom has not yet come though. This will not happen until the last day when Jesus will come again on the clouds with power and great glory.

The Greeks seek after wisdom, Paul says. As I think you will see, our own people have drunk deeply from this Grecian spring. The Greeks want to solve problems. They want good democratic government. They want to fix the problems we have so as to make life better and better. The Greeks believed that if we only try hard enough and believe in ourselves that nothing can stand in our way.

Notice the similarity between the Jews and the Greeks here. The Jews were looking for an earthly christ who would fix all their problems. The Greeks believe that humanity itself is the christ who can fix our problems given enough time and effort. Both the Jews and the Greeks hate it when they are told that their christs are false christs. They hate to hear that the things of this world, in which they put their trust, are passing away. Only those who are safe and secure in the holy ark of baptism will be able to ride out the destruction. “Heaven and earth will pass away,” Jesus says, “but my Word will never pass away.”

As Christians we do not believe in making the world a better place by instituting this reform or that reform. First of all, instituting this reform or that reform is very difficult, because hardly anybody agrees on what we are supposed to do. Just consider the state our country is in right now. Everybody is at each other’s throat about how we are supposed to think about this or that. One reform conflicts with another. But suppose that all the reforms could be made. Suppose that we made tons and tons of progress. All of this would be superficial and cosmetic. The old evil heart would still be there in the people. New forms of oppression and violence would inevitably be invented, as has always been the case.

The only true “fix” that exists is our Creator’s own fix in the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. This alone gets to the root of the problem of our evil heart. That is why the apostle Paul is determined to preach Christ and him crucified regardless of the consequences. And there are consequences. Paul was hated by his own people, the Jews. He had betrayed his church and disobeyed the church’s leadership. The Greeks and the Romans thought that he was a danger to the empire. He would corrupt the youth with his other-worldly notions. They thought the kids should be kept in school so that they could learn a useful trade that actually addressed the real world’s problems instead of looking to the life of the world to come. These and more are the reasons why Paul was kicked out of cities, beaten, mocked, whipped, and so on, until he was finally beheaded by the Roman government. But do not worry. He has lost nothing and gained everything by remaining faithful until the end.

Paul says in another place that he is not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, because it is the power of salvation to all who believe, both Jews and Greeks. There are plenty of opportunities for us to be ashamed of the Gospel today too. Other ways of living, other forms of wisdom, other false hopes of blessing are all around us. All these are vastly more popular than the salvation God has revealed to us in the death of his Son.

But all these other things are passing away. The death and resurrection of Christ puts no one to shame who puts his or her trust in it. It is the very thing our Creator would have us believe in, so how can we go wrong even if the whole world should oppose us? The preaching of Christ and him crucified will prevail, because our God, who is behind this preaching, will prevail.

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